Indoor Group’s upholstery and mattress factory, Insofa LTD, has started to manufacture face masks. The product in question is a light disposable face mask for everyday use. The factory has the necessary know-how and equipment for manufacturing the face masks, with enough capacity to make up to 40,000 items every month, if necessary. Thanks to the factory’s established supply channels, it has been possible to source European materials despite the difficult circumstances.
The first production batch was donated to the Päijät-Häme Joint Authority for Health and Wellbeing (Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointikuntayhtymä). The donation was received by the Assortment Manager, Ms Jonna Putkonen and Mr Jyri Riuttala. Jonna Putkonen said that the donation is welcome and that the masks will be used for home care services.